


For manufacturers who need an efficient, fast and reliable communication channel to retail pharmacists, RelayHealth Pharmacy Solutions can help decrease chances of adverse drug events and corresponding liability with timely consumer safety messaging and instant alerts directly at the point of dispense.    

Manufacturers can ensure access to actionable drug information at point of dispensing.
Critical developments in the pharmacy market require rapid dissemination of information to pharmacists and patients. Drug recalls, product formulation changes, and safety and dosage alerts can all impact patient safety and the pharmacy's business. Traditional means of communicating such information are often too slow to mitigate potential issues. To ensure patient safety, communication should be take place at point of dispense.

The Solution.
NotifyRxTM is a proven and reliable real-time intervention solution delivering electronic messages at the point of dispensing. Efficient, fast and reliable, NotifyRx helps keep pharmacy staff updated with current information by delivering actionable information from your brand to pharmacy staff when they are dispensing the prescription.

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Drug recalls, product formulation changes, and easily confused or complicated dosage regimens can all impact a medication's reputation. Traditional means of communicating such information can be too slow to mitigate potential issues. To ensure patient safety and support a positive patient experience with your prescription drug product, communication that takes place at the point of dispense is the best way to provide the pharmacist with actionable information at the time they need it.

For manufacturers who need an efficient, fast and reliable communication channel to retail pharmacists, RelayHealth Pharmacy Solutions can help.

The Solution
NotifyRx is a real-time messaging platform that delivers safety and other types of important messages directly to pharmacists in participating pharmacies as they are dispensing your prescription drug product(s). And, yes, since these situations are typically urgent but short-term, NotifyRx is a unique platform for enabling a messaging program that will suit your urgent needs.

Consumer Safety Messaging
Should your company’s medication experience a FDA recall, a production shortage or medication integrity issues, NotifyRx can deliver customized messaging to the pharmacist each time a prescription for that medication is processed on our national claims network.  Want to reinforce concomitant therapy to ensure patient outcomes? Or maybe your product is known to be involved in prescription errors. To improve error prevention, NotifyRx can message pharmacists while processing the prescription with alerts to pay special attention.  

Clinically Relevant Messaging
Whether it’s a scheduled change to the medication’s dosage or the sudden need to communicate a new side effect, NotifyRx can get the message to retail pharmacists any time that medication is being dispensed. Should there be a need to communicate with the patient, such as a change in the product's appearance or taste, NotifyRx™ can leverage the power of the retail pharmacist to provide a patient consult. New side effects identified? New safe dosing limits recommended? New drug interactions realized? Need to reinforce labeling? NotifyRx can make it possible to raise awareness where it counts – during the dispense process.

Product and Billing Messaging
NotifyRx can leverage the power of the retail pharmacist to deliver useful product information to your patients such as a change in the product's appearance. If your medication faces unique billing challenges, (such as being covered under Medicare Part B vs. Part D), NotifyRx provides support to help the pharmacist overcome the issue by messaging the pharmacist within workflow on how to determine the correct billing procedure.

Do you have a unique issue not described above? Over the years, we have created a variety of messaging programs to address a variety of manufacturer needs. We can do the same for you.

To learn more about NotifyRx complete the form above or contact our sales team at 800-868-1309.

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Clinically Relevant Messaging

Manufacturers update and change their drugs often. Notifying customers and pharmacists of these changes is very important. RelayHealth Pharmacy Solutions has provided resources to better assist manufacturers with important communication about their prescriptions.

Our NotifyRx™ solution provides a vehicle that provides direct messages to your customers via the pharmacist. Below are every day pharmacy examples of how we can help provide direct messages to the customer:
  • The customer’s prescription has a new drug formulation which has changed since first dispense.
  • A new formulation enters the market (Not AB-rated).
  • Notify customers on how to safely store their prescription. 
  • Provide alerts to remind pharmacists to counsel customer on routine health exams like eye exams and/or blood glucose testing.
  • We can relay FDA Drug Safety Communication. 
    • Example: Potiga™, an anti-seizure drug (ezogabine) was linked to retinal abnormalities and blue skin discoloration. Example: {04-26-2013] The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is warning the public that the anti-seizure medication Potiga (ezogabine) can cause blue skin discoloration and eye abnormalities characterized by pigment changes in the retina.

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Product and Other Messaging

In addition to safety and clinically relevant messaging, NotifyRx™ can also keep customers informed by communicating manufacturer and company related information directly to your prescribing pharmacists. Some of these include:
  • Dosage screening that can monitor daily dose criteria set by the manufacturer.
  • Safe disposal messaging to alert customers of precautions for children and/or pets that may have residual medication remaining and what may be harmful. 
  • Claim Support messages that demonstrate how to successfully process a claim, (i.e.: Medicare B versus D) and help decrease instances of delayed therapy due to unclear information sent from a third-party payer.
  • Product updates that may include changes to the name of the drug, taste or appearance.
Below are helpful resources related to the National drug code (NDC)

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